Part 5 in my Exploring Wisblock series
Source code for this example can be found here.
Many sensors are deployed in the field and not connected to wifi or ethernet. The device may send LoRa messages to a gateway and/or it may have a display that needs to be read. In order for such a sensor in the field to be autonomous it is useful to know its position and the time that data was acquired. A GPS module is perfect for this. RAK Wireless sells the RAK1910 Wisblock GNSS Location Module that is based on the u-Blox MAX-7Q device and easily snaps into a Wisblock base board.
RAK provides some sample code but again it is Arduino IDE-based. The GPS module is a very simple device so it is not difficult at all to use the Pico SDK to receive GPS messages. All we need to do is receive UART data and decode it.
A note on the RAK1910 datasheet indicates that it can only be installed in slot A, but that may only apply to the RAK19007 base board as another table indicates that it can be installed in slot E or F, which would apply to the RAK19001 base board. I installed it in slot A on my RAK19001 board. Looking at the circuit diagram for Slot A indicates that the GPS module is connected to the RP2040 UART1. The example code from RAK for the Arduino IDE seems to indicate that the 1PPS I/O pin is initialized as an output but I think that is an error. It is an output from the MAX-7 that by default provides 1 Hz pulses. I am ignoring that output.
I have used Craig Peacock’s NMEA-GPS parser as the basis for interpreting the GPS messages. However, rather than reading serial data in the main loop, I am following the Pico SDK example uart-advanced and reading data from the UART in an interrupt handler which allows for more flexibility in the main loop.
The interrupt handler reads characters into a buffer until a “$” character is received, which indicates the start of a new message. At that time the messages is decoded. I am parsing GLL, GGA and RMC messages since they all contain position data. I am storing the decoded latitude, longitude, altitude and time/date data in string variables that are common to all of these three message types. So the current contents of those strings could have been updated by any of those message types. The main loop updates the display every second with these strings.
The RAK1910 GPS module works quite well although it does take a bit of time to get location data. The time and date can be acquired much faster than location data. I am doing my testing indoors so it may acquire position data much faster outdoors.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "pico/stdlib.h"
#include "D:\\Pico\\pico-sdk\\src\\rp2_common\\pico_multicore\\include\\pico\\multicore.h"
#define LED_GREEN 23
#define LED_BLUE 24
#define UART1TX 4
#define UART1Rx 5
#define GPS_1PPS 6 // MAX-7 timepulse output 1 pulse per second
#define GPS_RESET 22
#define UART_ID uart1
#define BAUD_RATE 9600
#define DATA_BITS 8
#define STOP_BITS 1
char buffer[255];
int buf_ptr = 0;
char utc_time[40];
char utc_date[40];
char longitude[40];
char latitude[40];
char altitude[40];
char satellites[40];
int hexchar2int(char c)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
return c - '0';
if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
return c - 'A' + 10;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
return c - 'a' + 10;
return -1;
int hex2int(char *c)
int value;
value = hexchar2int(c[0]);
value = value << 4;
value += hexchar2int(c[1]);
return value;
int checksum_valid(char *string)
char *checksum_str;
int checksum;
unsigned char calculated_checksum = 0;
// Checksum is postcede by *
checksum_str = strchr(string, '*');
if (checksum_str != NULL){
// Remove checksum from string
*checksum_str = '\0';
// Calculate checksum, starting after $ (i = 1)
for (int i = 1; i < strlen(string); i++) {
calculated_checksum = calculated_checksum ^ string[i];
checksum = hex2int((char *)checksum_str+1);
//printf("Checksum Str [%s], Checksum %02X, Calculated Checksum %02X\r\n",(char *)checksum_str+1, checksum, calculated_checksum);
if (checksum == calculated_checksum) {
//printf("Checksum OK");
return 1;
} else {
//printf("Error: Checksum missing or NULL NMEA message\r\n");
return 0;
return 0;
int parse_comma_delimited_str(char *string, char **fields, int max_fields)
int i = 0;
fields[i++] = string;
while ((i < max_fields) && NULL != (string = strchr(string, ','))) {
*string = '\0';
fields[i++] = ++string;
return --i;
void decode_nmea() {
int i;
char *field[20];
if (checksum_valid(buffer)) {
if ((strncmp(buffer, "$GP", 3) == 0) |
(strncmp(buffer, "$GN", 3) == 0)) {
if (strncmp(&buffer[3], "GLL", 3) == 0) {
i = parse_comma_delimited_str(buffer, field, 20);
if (strlen(field[1]) > 4)
sprintf(latitude, "%c%c %s %s", field[1][0], field[1][1], &field[1][2], field[2]);
if (strlen(field[3]) > 4)
sprintf(longitude, "%c%c%c %s %s", field[3][0], field[3][1], field[3][2], &field[3][3], field[4])
if (strlen(field[5]) > 5)
sprintf(utc_time, "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c", field[5][0], field[5][1], field[5][2], field[5][3], field[5][4], field[5][5]);
if (strncmp(&buffer[3], "GGA", 3) == 0) {
i = parse_comma_delimited_str(buffer, field, 20);
if (strlen(field[1]) > 5)
sprintf(utc_time, "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c", field[1][0], field[1][1], field[1][2], field[1][3], field[1][4], field[1][5]);
if (strlen(field[2]) > 4)
sprintf(latitude, "%c%c %s %s", field[2][0], field[2][1], &field[2][2], field[3]);
if (strlen(field[2]) > 5)
sprintf(longitude, "%c%c%c %s %s", field[4][0], field[4][1], field[4][2], &field[4][3], field[5]);
strcpy(altitude, field[9]);
strcpy(satellites, field[7]);
if (strncmp(&buffer[3], "RMC", 3) == 0) {
i = parse_comma_delimited_str(buffer, field, 20);
if (strlen(field[1]) > 5)
sprintf(utc_time, "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c", field[1][0], field[1][1], field[1][2], field[1][3], field[1][4], field[1][5]);
if (strlen(field[3]) > 4)
sprintf(latitude, "%c%c %s %s", field[3][0], field[3][1], &field[3][2], field[4]);
if (strlen(field[5]) > 4)
sprintf(longitude, "%c%c%c %s %s", field[5][0], field[5][1], field[5][2], &field[5][3], field[6]);
strcpy(utc_date, field[9]);
// RX interrupt handler
void on_uart_rx() {
while (uart_is_readable(uart1)) {
uint8_t ch = uart_getc(uart1);
if (ch == '$') {
buffer[buf_ptr] = '\0';
buf_ptr = 0;
buffer[buf_ptr] = ch;
int main() {
gpio_set_dir(LED_GREEN, GPIO_OUT);
uart_init(uart1, 9600);
gpio_set_function(UART1TX, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_function(UART1Rx, GPIO_FUNC_UART);
gpio_set_dir(GPS_RESET, GPIO_OUT);
gpio_put(GPS_RESET, 0);
gpio_put(GPS_RESET, 1);
// Set UART flow control CTS/RTS, we don't want these, so turn them off
uart_set_hw_flow(UART_ID, false, false);
// Set our data format
// Turn off FIFO's - we want to do this character by character
uart_set_fifo_enabled(UART_ID, false);
// Set up a RX interrupt
// We need to set up the handler first
// Select correct interrupt for the UART we are using
int UART_IRQ = UART_ID == uart0 ? UART0_IRQ : UART1_IRQ;
// And set up and enable the interrupt handlers
irq_set_exclusive_handler(UART_IRQ, on_uart_rx);
irq_set_enabled(UART_IRQ, true);
// Now enable the UART to send interrupts - RX only
uart_set_irq_enables(UART_ID, true, false);
while (1) {
// Clear terminal
printf("Latitude %s\r\n", latitude);
printf("Longitude %s\r\n", longitude);
printf("Altitude %s\r\n", altitude);
printf("Satellites %s\r\n", satellites);
printf("UTC Time %s\r\n", utc_time);
printf("Date %s\r\n", utc_date);
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